Cuz I heard Jesus, He drank wine And I bet we’d get along just fine, He could calm a storm and heal the blind, And I bet He’d understand a Heart like Mine

Monday, March 21, 2011

Barn Meeting, Driver's Ed and Dancing with the Stars

So it's been warm.  It's been A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!  A couple days ago Mom and Dad order my Driver's Ed stuff, WOOO freaking HOOOOO!!  I'm excited/scared to death about taking it!  Hopefully I'll do fine.
I'm sitting here looking at my calender on my phone and there's a special date coming up in 18 Sweet Sixteen!!:D  I'm in the process of planning a little party, it'll probably only consist of me, my family, my BFF Kate and a couple of my dad's friends.  Woo, got to love being homeschooled and having TONS of friends(<-- sarcasm.) But I have my best friend!  Oh and speaking of Cattle Kate.....
{Me on the right and Kate on the left}
 We had one of our epic Barn Meetings(i.e meeting at my barn...yeah we got real creative about the name!) tonight.  See the school bus let's her, her sister and brother off out by my barn.  Anywho, our barn meeting lasted a good hour and if held many laughs ;]  We cussed and discussed many things tonight, including fake cowboys, real cowboys, fake friends and skinny jeans....just not in that order.  She got a Border Collie puppy named Dixie Reb!  OMG that puppy is adorable and SOOOOOO sweet!  I don't know why I didn't take a picture of her.  I told Kate that she could leave Dixie here and I'd take care of her, but my dear best friend frowned upon this!lol    I informed  Kate that we were going to start having a Barn Meeting more than once a month.  I just love hanging out with her!  I can't wait for Dad to fix my Tahoe and for me to get my [Driver's] Permit so I can drive up north to Kate's house(which is only 8 miles from mine).  But for now we shall just have our Barn Meetings!
Now as I type this, I'm watching Dancing with the Stars, the cast this year looks, um, interesting!  So far, I like the chick off of Disney channel the best[can't think of her name to save my life, I think it's Chelsea somethin]  We shall see who makes it to the finals.....
Hmmm what else....I need to start working with my paint horse here soon.  Another thing that me and Kate discussed was when the ranch her dad works on ships their cattle out in July.  I'm gonna go with Dad and help!:)  I can't wait, it's gonna be a BLAST!
Ummm, I know there's more....
OH! The barn cat....the d@^n barn cat.  See there's a barn cat in my barn, nobody knows how he got up here, but he's here.  And he's wild.  And while I was sitting in the tackroom door, watching Tonto eat and texting Kate, you know, minding my own business; this cat comes ripping out of nowhere by me, and around the barn he goes, as quickly as he appeared, he was gone!  I hate!  Kate thought it was funny that the cat scared the crap outta me, I didn't find it too all.

Well I guess that's about all,

Gracias for reading my rambles!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

First Post

Ok.  So I've started *this* blog as MY blog.  I have another blog, but some people who I love/disagree with 99.9999% of the time read it, so I have to be careful what I put on there.  Oy; I know!  I just want a blog that I can post what I want(i.e. what I feeling, what stories I write, ect ect), so that's what this one is for!   The name of the blog, just "came" to me, I tired various other names but none fit it the way this one did.  I guess I'll use this as kind of a diary, and write about my life and times!;)  So be a little darling and click on that "follow" button!:)

Signing off,