Cuz I heard Jesus, He drank wine And I bet we’d get along just fine, He could calm a storm and heal the blind, And I bet He’d understand a Heart like Mine

Sunday, May 29, 2011


.....Truth is, you're the one and only person in this world that will ALWAYS be here for you.

Ha that's no joke.  A couple weeks ago, every thing between me and this one *person* was fine, we were best friends, talked every day and were always here for each other.  But that *person* got in a accident and lost one of her best friends and got hurt pretty bad. That was 2 weeks ago, and I haven't got a dozen texts from her since then(compared to the 100s we sent each I'm not kidding HUNDREDS of texts).  Maybe it's her cell service where she lives...but yet she can update facebook from her phone every few hours, but she can't text her "best friend" back?  I'm not even sure if I really needed her, she'd call or text me.  I just feel lost.  Maybe everything about our friendship wasn't real?  but no, she promised she'd always be here for me and she told me she loved me like a sister.  But then she acts like this?  
I just feel like I'm at a crossroad and i don't know which way to I just lay back and wait for her to come around?  Or do I let it go and not bother with being hurt when we don't talk for a week?  In other words, forget about our friendship all together?  I know she's hurting because of the loss of her friend, but after going through something like that I know I'd hang onto my family and friends and tell them how much I loved and needed them.
I just don't know what to do anymore with this.  I'm just gonna stop trying to talk to her and maybe she'll come back around....even tho it hurts like hell </3

i just had to ramble a little and get that out of my head....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What's Been Crackin 'Round Here

{W.A.R.N.I.N.G This is going to  be a long drawn out post about a lot of things}
Alright so last Tuesday(17th) my best friend got in a horrible wreck.  She made it , but the girl who was driving sadly didn't.  It was unreal that night, 10 different people texting me all at once, me bawling cuz I was scared $h!tless that i almost lost my best friend.  somebody who is like my sister and someone who I trust  more than most of my family(I know i sound like a bad person when i say that), she coulda been gone like *that* but she wasn't so God evidently has a plan for her life...big time.  
It just brings a lot of things into perspective for me(even tho i didnt go through what Kate did), you know?  YOu get exactly ONE chance at life and God can call you home in a split second if he wants.  There for a while(like a couple months ago)I couldn't WAIT to grow up and turn 18 and do whatever I want, but's just like I wanna hang onto being a kid for a little while longer and just soak it up.  
What am I gonna see when I'm 40 years old when I look back at my life right now?  Me not being able to wait to turn 18 and just sitting around being mad that I've still got 2 years before I turn 18?  Or me being 100% what  I really am and living life to the fullest?  I think I'd rather remember the ladder of the the two!  
So yeah, I guess Kate's wreck had a pretty good impact on me too.  Kinda made me pull my head outta my a** and realize what I have and that I better go to livin it right!  I guess God just works in mysterious way like that.

Enough with the sad stuff...Now what else? 
Oh yes, SCHOOL'S OVVVVVER WITH FOR THE SUMMMMMMER!! yes I'm a tad excited.  Well it's over with unless I want to graduate next year....hell I donno what I'm gonna do, but like I said, I'm livin life like a should, with lots of happiness :)

Speaking of happiness....Here's pictures I've took with my phone(with the Instagram app) that make me happy(lol):
Boots and jean shorts

Alright, so I 'spose you halfta be me to understand the beauty in this picture,
but this is the perfect example of a Summer Sunset in my eyes

My Baby!  My Sweetheart!  My Favorite Horse on this planet!  My Bllllaaaaaakeeey Poooo!
A.k.a Blake the horse.
I've taken more pictures with my phone using Instagram in the last week than I have taken with my camera!  I just love it!  There's something about the "old school/vintage/retro" look about those pictures I take with it that I'm just completely in love with.  I can defiantly see myself "capturing summer" with the camera on my phone lol

We've been havin a lot of storms here lately, but thankfully nothing as bad as the ones that hit Joplin and southern Oklahoma.  Lotsa big thunderheads, rain, thunder and lighting.  Me and my other good friend Lauren (who's living with one of the guys my dad works with, so she lives like 500 feet from my house) text eachother back and forth everytime it gets cloudy haha
Speakin of Miss Lauren, the other night I was mowing the yard in a bikini top, cutoff shorts, barefoot(keep reading, this does have something to do with Lauren), and a Dodge cap all while listening to Colt Ford, aka being a total hick-chick.  Thank God I live 20 miles from the nearest town and the county road is far enough away from the house that nobody can really see me. So after I get done mowing, I go out to feed the horses, Lauren see's me out walking so she walks over to the barn where I'm at and we have a good 45 minute convo about everything from chiggers to the Northy's(Cowboys.  I like their dad cuz he's funny as hell and is a good friend to my dad, but those boys? eh...) and nail polish.  haha yeah we're random.  For being 4 years older than me, either 1) I act like a 20 year old or 2) she acts like a 16 year old, cuz we get along like really well!lol  Hopefully she'll stick around for a while cuz she makes life up here in the boonies a little less boring!haha

Sooo anyways, I guess that's about it for now!  I gotta go give my stinky dog(Sadie) a
Hugs & Kisses

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


{Wrote this last night at about 11:45...just now getting around to postin it on this blog}

It's nights like these...

The low rumble of thunder off in the south
The never-ending song of the whippoorwill & crickets
The fireflies lighting up the complete blackness of a moonless night
The squeak of a fan that sets in my window, sucking in the cool mid-May air
The smell of the rain drenched trees and grasses
The peacefulness of  it all 

That are burned into my heart; that I'll remember all my's hard to explain how it is out here after a thunder storm, but it's wonderfully beautiful in it's hard to explain entirety.....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

iPhone app that every Picture Taker needs!

Alright the other day, I was reading on the Pioneer Woman's Twitter and I saw where she had posted a picture using Instagram app for  I had to get it for my phone!
Here's some pics I've taken while i was laying out in the sun this afternoon...


And my boots...

So yall be little dears and go to iTunes if you have a iPhone and get this app!!!

Hugs & Kisses

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Going's On Around Here...

Well I do believe summer has finally hit the Osage!  Our weather went from upper 60s for highs, too low 90s in the time span of about a week.  I simply L.O.V.E it!  I'm thinkin that this afternoon I'm gonna be kicked back on a lounger out in the sun, soakin up them rays ;)  If it keeps warming up, I bet we'll have our pool put up before the end of this month.  Ahh that sounds good...
Moving on....I still haven't got my Learner's Permit yet, even tho I finished my online stuff a couple weeks ago...I'm not even gonna get started on why I haven't got the LP yet *Rolls Eyes*
But hopefully I'll have it before this month is over....hopefully.  And hopefully I'll have a truck before then.  We've got a 2000 Tahoe(With leather seats, cd player, automatic transmission ect ect) but I want a truck....I know, I sound soo spoiled, huh?!  My perfect truck would be a '90s Dodge flatbed, big mud tires, tinted windows, stacks, standard[transmission], basically a truck that looks like a redneck mobile(it may or may not be to show off a little for a kid I like, but we won't go into great detail over that ;) )

Let's see, what else, oh to prove that I can/will put pictures on here, here's a random picture:
HA....See I can add pictures!  This was last night looking out over my little pond, totally looks like summer to me!

Other than all of the above, nothing really exciting has gone on lately.  We've been trapping wild hogs(that have become a major pain in the a** around here), that gave a little entertainment.  
I've been thinkin bout cutting my hair(again) but this time I want it short, like shoulder length short.  Right now it's halfway down my back and driving me nuts.  
One of my friends has hers cut pretty short and it looks super cute on her.
 I'm just bored with mine right now, its just blah.

I've been trying to get my 9th grade school books finished, and get started on 10th grade(where i should be), i've almost got them done, thank God!  
so my days have been filled with school, going to the shop with dad, and working on stories.  So freakin exciting, I know! *Rolls Eyes Again*
I probably won't stop doing school work till next month, I think f i really tried, I could be completely done with school next year, which would be totally and completely awesome.  I should prolly be working on school instead of typing this stuff up, but oh well...

Later I've got to post about some new music I've found, just not now because I've got to go tan ;)

I guess that's it for now,